About Us


We each have our own story as to why we are here.

Some of us were born into trauma and have the complex-PTSD to show for it. Some of us found ourselves in abusive relationships – romantic, family, or even a whole organization. Some of us suffered from bullying. Many of us found ourselves feeling “other” – whether it was due to not fitting in, or the weight of silencing our voices.

We are here to learn together, share resources for healing, and to each thrive in our own unique ways.  It’s an ongoing journey, and we are individually in different places, with different experiences. However, having community support can help.

Beyond this, we want to change culture! By promoting awareness of abuse culture, we hope to stop its cycle, both in our lives and in society as a whole.


Ethics Statement

We do not demand perfection. We trust that participants will get what they need out of the group, and no more, and that they are self-directed to set their own realistic goals and be gentle with themselves when they don’t meet them. Participants are free of judgement. The only strict rules here are those governing how we treat each other.

Your existence, self-image, or “worthiness” is not dependent upon this group. You are free to participate at the level of your own comfort, and free to leave at any time with zero consequence. This community needs to work for you, and if it doesn’t, that means we’re not a good fit and we wish you well.

Luna. Born into the LDS Church and left the faith in 2001, at age 26. She now lives in Seattle, WA and writes about topics of interest to her, including psychology, mind control, culture, and autism.
Tamra. Education strategist and instructional designer whose focus is on empowerment and personal agency. She has extensive experience designing for neurodiversity considerations, student-centric learning, and competency-based education.
Dan. Community moderator, organizer of chaos, steadfast fellow, e-sports coach, chainmail artist, and friendly giant.
Kevin. The man behind the curtain; in charge of website development, streaming and capturing video, event production, project management for creative professionals, and providing logistics, marketing, and business consulting.